Sparkes of Hope
Youth Upliftment

Youth Upliftment

Kate Bateman of Youth Upliftment International is only 28 years old, but 7 years ago she founded Collège Amélioration Jeunesse in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. The school educates 104 Haitian students who would otherwise be denied their right to an education. Many of these Haitian students are orphans, restaveks and street kids. They live in the most impoverished conditions and often have to work long hours. Kate’s school offers them a chance at a better life by offering them an eduction and by meeting their basic needs.

At Sparkes of Hope we are dedicated to helping support Kate’s school through year round fundraising. Each summer we hold Sparkes of Hope Summer Camp for Kate’s students at Collège Amélioration Jeunesse.

Youth Upliftment International is a registered Canadian charity.
All donations over $30 will receive a receipt.